Bike Share or Die

Bike Share or Die

I signed up for the Philly bike share last week and it’s changed my life. I used it nine times in a 30 hour period this weekend. NINE! I can’t even tell you how much time I’ve saved. The last time I was this excited about riding a bike I got hit by a...
Who. The Fuck. Is This Guy.

Who. The Fuck. Is This Guy.

I don’t know who this guy is, but that is my face. That might not be my arm, because he looks slightly jacked, or my family behind him, but that is my face. Is this an April Fools joke? Did my readers photoshop me onto this dudes face and circulate it around the...
I Think I Caught Someone Stealing From Me

I Think I Caught Someone Stealing From Me

I’m a big candle guy. Huge candle guy. Always have been thanks to my mom. Thanks mom. Yankee Candle is my go-to. I ordered three large jar candles last week for $64 and they were supposedly delivered yesterday. I didn’t see anything. I checked again today...
The Strictly Good Songs Playlist

The Strictly Good Songs Playlist

When I play golf by myself, I’ll put on a playlist that I titled “Strictly Good Songs”. These are 628 songs that I don’t need to skip through. At first I experimented with putting all types of songs that I consider “good”. However,...
Pick My Apartment

Pick My Apartment

I’m moving in August. Here’s my list of priorities when finding a new place: Covy & Melon This sounds stupid, but I feel bad for Covy and Melon currently. This place is a little smaller than I want for them (like ~800sqft). Will they survive? Of...
Voting Ideas Instead of Outcomes

Voting Ideas Instead of Outcomes

Rachel Levine Makes History As 1st Openly Trans Federal Official Confirmed By Senate The Senate just confirmed an assistant HHS Secretary who advocated for children to be given hormones for sex change. Dr. Rachel Levine, 52-48, Murkowski and Collins joined all...