by Tom Stortz | Mar 23, 2021 | General |
Do people die by accident? If you get drugged vs take drugs, and then are taking back to a hotel room, raped, and murdered, is it an accident if you are forced drugs and your fault if you took the drugs? This happened to this Christine Englehardt, a local Philly girl...
by Sam Stortz | Mar 18, 2021 | General |
COD (Call of Duty for the cucks out there) gets a bad wrap from those who don’t play. When you say “I played three hours of COD last night”, it raises eyebrows. A former lover of mine once said video games were “the biggest waste of time I...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 17, 2021 | General |
First things first, this post is for entertainment purposes only. The writer’s tone, expression, language used, references, humor is way over the top Wall Street bro-ish, and yes, extremely cringe. But this is satire (can’t believe I have to explicitly state the...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 16, 2021 | General |
John Oliver released 24 minutes dedicated to pointing out that Tucker Carlson is a dangerous white supremacist yesterday. I like the stories Oliver puts out and find Tucker wildly entertaining so I gave a listen. This will accomplish exactly what John Oliver is not...
by Sam Stortz | Mar 13, 2021 | General |
I’m great at guitar. Everyone knows I’m great at guitar. Someone recently asked me if I’ve ever written any of my own music. I said no. Then I wondered to myself – why haven’t I written any of my own music? When I was about 8 years old I...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 13, 2021 | General |
It’s 8:20am on a Saturday morning which is an unusual time for me to blog. I deferred to writing instead of watching episode 3 of the first season of True Detective. I’m re-watching TD as research for a future blog post about best TV seasons ever. This...
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