Life Comes At You Fast

Life Comes At You Fast

I was reading how to cook a steak in a pan. Not riveting material. At the same time, I was crossing Spring Garden which is a 4 lane road. There were two guys who were 11 paces ahead of me traversing safely. My head was down like a mindless peon and I was going on...
A New Stage of Life

A New Stage of Life

I wrote a post about 10 years ago with the following thesis: The stage of life that you’re in is the stage of life that you want to be in. I don’t know what was going on in my life for me to make such a profound statement, but in the 10 years since writing...
Waste Management and Superbowl

Waste Management and Superbowl

The Player’s Open I’ll start with the Waste Management Open and I’ll use Benny An for inspiration. Shitshows. Totally out of control on everyhole — Byeong Hun An (@ByeongHunAn) February 11, 2024 Is This Golf? I was going...
I’m the Most Popular Guy Here Now

I’m the Most Popular Guy Here Now

I was in Vegas this past week at a roofing trade show. I must have talked to 100 people over the course of the few days and I quickly create judgements based on these interactions. Does the person listen? Are they talking about pertinent topics? Do they have a sense...
Marathon Training Check-in #1

Marathon Training Check-in #1

The Eugene marathon is in exactly 12 weeks and I want to log how things have gone up to this point. I’ve been following ‘the plan’ for the last four weeks. My coach wrote the plan with a goal of 2 hours and 30 minutes, which is 5:43 mile pace. That...
Schtick Tok

Schtick Tok

An important aspect of a creative Tik Tok account is having a theme. An integral message that you can constantly rely on as a backbone to the account. This gives the viewer an expectation from the channel. Some gravitating reason to why you like it and want to...