by Tom Stortz | Nov 15, 2023 | Gambling |
186 started and we’re down to 8 in a survivor pick em’ (it’s technically a Losers Pool where you choose the loser of the game). That’s a $9k prize pool that I intend to win. There are only 2 people left with a bye, myself included, which is an...
by Tom Stortz | Nov 14, 2023 | General |
I buy lunch meat to make sandwiches. There are 4 ingredients to a sandwich: Turkey, American Cheese, White Bread, and Mayo. They carry similar shelf lives before going bad that one must make decisions on. Here’s my current situation after buying items last...
by Tom Stortz | Nov 8, 2023 | General |
I hold conservative values. I believe in meritocracy, individual freedom, less government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. Liberals believe government action will achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. That’s asinine knowing how rigged and...
by Sam Stortz | Nov 6, 2023 | General |
On Friday night, a little over 10 years removed from graduating Ursinus College, Drew and I drove up to UC for the annual Twilight meet. After an hour and 20 minutes in rush hour traffic with some great conversation, we arrived and were greeted by some familiar faces,...
by Sam Stortz | Nov 1, 2023 | General |
I have good news. This post will solve dating apps and I’m giving the idea away for free. You may be asking yourself what I even know about the modern dating scene. I’ve been off the apps for nearly three years (congratulations (thank you (you’re...
by Tom Stortz | Oct 31, 2023 | General |
Drugs confiscated at the airport disguised as children’s candy 😳 — Crazy Clips (@crazyclipsonly) October 31, 2023 Drug Lords I’m paranoid when it comes to drugs and airports. I get anxiety smuggling Tylenol PM’s or...
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