The Love of My Life

The Love of My Life

Bill was curious what happened on my trip to Austin where I met the love of my life and I’ll quickly comment that she indeed…was not. I sent her a text a few days after I met her at a bar, and unless her hands were removed detonating C4, I’m pretty...
Are You From That Snowflake Brigade?

Are You From That Snowflake Brigade?

This video encompasses generational mentalities. The young fitness influencer meets a man who doesn’t give a shit. — Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) February 28, 2023 Influencers Influencing The shift in an online avatar becoming...
My Yogurt Cost How Much?

My Yogurt Cost How Much?

Once a week I treat myself to a coffee and small snack before work. Today was a United by Blue hot coffee and yogurt / granola combo. United By Blue is one of those “We’re locally sourced and also clean the ocean” type coffee places, so going in, I...
If I Get Robbed…

If I Get Robbed…

Crime has been a hot topic around Philadelphia! With two robberies nearby, as well as car jackings all over, it’s natural to worry and wonder if it will happen to me. I think a lot about what I would do if someone tried to rob me? I realize as I write these that...
The Culmination of Life

The Culmination of Life

Last night I lost $650 playing 1/2 NL and $250 betting on the Miami Heat. Why? For starters, I played poorly. The players weren’t better than me per say, but when I had it they folded, and when I was bluff catching I was missing. Often. Like every time. The...


I have few joys life. Running on the treadmill. The morning crossword. Watching my golfer double bogey the first hole knowing I’m out of it before 1.3% of the tournament is over. Thursday morning watching the ESPN PGA leaderboard update is about the most fun I...