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Would You Bet $500 to win $5,000?

Would You Bet $500 to win $5,000?

2 weeks ago my bet CT Pan (150-1) failed to win the RBC Canadian with a 2 stroke lead going into the final round. He was +400 to win on Sunday and I had $25 on him pre tournament. The eventual winner, Nick Taylor, started the round 3 behind with greater than 12-1 odds...

Things I Think About – Religion…

Things I Think About – Religion…

This is a long post on religion. I've written about this before, but not as in depth. In one sense I didn't think I should write this at all, but religion is surprisingly high on the list of things I think about. Why didn't I want to write this? First, a surprising...

289 Visitors!

289 Visitors!

I tweeted the ITYSL post to a popular Twitter account and it brought 289 visitors to the site. I'm not sure how the server was able to handle a 289x traffic increase, but it held. Our Jetpack plugin stopped automatically posting to the SplittingTens Twitter Account...

Top 10 ITYSL Lines

Top 10 ITYSL Lines

These Should Make You Laugh 1 . Fuck. He's trying to steal my decals. - Hits on so many levels. The fact that the guy is in no way trying to steal his decals. That he's that protective of said decals. The way he repeats he thought the guy was trying to steal his...

The Golden Nugget

The Golden Nugget

The Nuggets bet hit and I'm 2k richer after losing 4.5k since the Super Bowl. If I could only get rid of that pesky golf betting, I may be profitable. Also to see that I'm down $627 on NFL is humorous when I hit the Chiefs and Mahomes MVP for about 5k. That's gambling...


Censorsed It Slowly Creeps I wrote a post back in November of 2021 blasting YouTube for removing the dislike button. This was during the pandemic when government videos were getting down voted to hell for espousing...

Spotify’s DJ

Spotify’s DJ

Spotify added an AI DJ back in February and this is the first time I've started using it. It speaks every couple songs with comments like "you you used to listen to this artist years ago, but they've fallen out of your playlists, here's Capital Cities." Why do I...

Another Longshot Opportunity

Another Longshot Opportunity

The Ticket I have a 2nd ticket for $25 @ 22-1 as well. The Current Leaderboard I was curious about Taiwan's CT Pan's latest/past results as he's had a wrist injury. He took 4th a month ago at the Byron Nelson and missed 2 cuts prior to that and that's all his recent...

GHIN: When Reality Meets Fantasy

GHIN: When Reality Meets Fantasy

Keeping a golf handicap requires entering scores into the GHIN application. Every course has a rating and a slope, and you get a handicap by the formula below. Say you scored an 82 on a golf course with a USGA course rating of 72.5 and a slope rating of 128. Using...
