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John Mayer’s Life

John Mayer’s Life

This style of post received 2 comments last time which puts it in high regard. Pick an exact topic and say what you like or don't like about it. Today I'll do the Sirius channel John Mayer's - Life Do I Like John Mayer? Ed McGrath played a song called No Such Thing...

Avicii – I’m Tim

Avicii – I’m Tim

I watched the Netflix doc on Avicii and walked away with perspective on what happens when you go from 0 to 1000 at warp die. It's tragic how a kid from Stockholm turns into one of the biggest draws on the planet, burns out, finds himself internally, and...

A Hard Working Man

A Hard Working Man

Nick Nick's 74. He's been my barber for as long as I can remember. I don't personally wait for him, as I don't want to sleight the other barbers, but he is undoubtedly my favorite. He's a conservative business owner like myself and we both value hard work. Case in...

2024 Money Post

2024 Money Post

2023 Post | 2022 Post | 2021 Post | 2020 Post | 2019 Post This will be the 6th year of my financial / life tracking. To do this requires, much like the upkeep of this blog for 16+ years, discipline. There is little reward for maintaining these data sets aside from...

Tooth #30

Tooth #30

At the ripe age of 33, I will be having yet another oral surgery. My first was in 2001, my last was around 2011. Between those years I had seven surgeries pulling 27 teeth total. In 2025, I will be having what is hopefully my FINAL oral surgery where I'm removing the...

A Day Like Today

A Day Like Today

I go to Istock where I have 256 pictures remaining in the subscription Stortz Tools has been paying for 10 years and pick a Christmas image to go along with the post. I've already done the gym because without work, how is there not time? I'll clean up the apartment...

A Bad Recommendation

A Bad Recommendation

I'm a bookworm. Always have been, always will be. Exactly three months ago I told a friend, who doesn't read this blog, that I needed a new book to read. He replied: 11/22/63, it's Stephen King, but it's not horror. A guy travels back in time to stop the JFK...

The Cure

The Cure

There are 5 bands that make up New Wave. The Cure, The Smiths, Talking Heads, Depeche Mode, and New Order. This 80's era of music is generally frowned upon as weaker than classic rock due to the synth sounds and pussier than grunge which followed in the 90's. This is...

Is This Politics?

Is This Politics?

Is Eric Adams becoming a Republican? Can you switch sides this easily because a new President is taking office? If this video is AI generated, I'm done with this blog. It certainly makes you wonder how much...
