Stop. Without Googling anything, do you know what the Rosetta Stone is?

Had you asked me prior to an hour ago, I would have said “something with hieroglyphics or ancient symbols on it“. That would have been the extent of my answer.

I just read the Wikipedia and holy shit! The Rosetta Stone is insane. I’m about two hundred years late to the party but really, if you don’t know what it is, you should.

Long story short, it’s this nearly two ton stone with a decree issued by some Egyptian King from 196 BC written in two types of Egyptian as well as ancient Greek. A French guy found it in 1799 and was like “wow we should keep this” after literally hundreds of years of being forgotten about and now it’s in a British museum.

The stone is broken, and none of the three translations are complete from A-Z, but it was this huge link for deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Imagine this. Two thousand years ago some king makes some decree that he’s the GOAT and they write it down on this huge stone and everyone probably thought it was the biggest deal ever. The people who inscribed this must have thought this stone would be the most important writing of all time.

It also must have taken forever to write. Like, did they get a few lines in to a different stone and mess up and say “ahh fuck, gotta restart!” Where’s that stone!

Are you telling me that all of the people reading this actually knew what this was? Seriously. When would you have learned this?

I’m glad I could teach you all something tonight.