You flinched!
I started re-watching Seinfeld a few weeks ago. This was the first time I’ve paid attention to the show as an adult. It’s funny the reaction I have to it now compared to when I was a kid. I doubt I got any of the jokes as a kid. Dolores! Seinfeld aired in ’89 when I was 6 and went off the air in ’98. I watched episodes in my teens, and I’ve seen plenty of re-runs throughout the years, but I can’t recall watching any episodes after college all the way up until a few weeks ago.
My first notice of watching a show from the past is budget. How do the sets look? What type of guest stars? How professionally is the show produced? Knowing that this show was insanely popular, and it gets even more popular as the series progresses, it gives a neat perspective when comparing earlier episodes to later episodes. Since I just started season 5, I thought this was a good time to write an entry so I can address some of the questions I asked early on. Notice how the viewers grow by 50% from ’93 to ’94.
What makes Seinfeld such a good show? Clearly, as with Curb Your Enthusiasm, the show intermingles the story lines together cleverly. They also use depth when they bring up events that happened in past episodes (Rochelle, Rochelle) in future episodes (returning the tape). This makes the viewer feel appreciated for the attention to detail by the writers. Also, the characters tend to have themes that they don’t stray that much from. Bud told me Kramer was initially a recluse and developed to, probably, the most affable main character by audience sake (you can tell by the laugh track every time slides into the room). I find Kramer to the be the dopiest and George to be the most relatable. Can’tStandYa’s money habits are next level hilarious and acted to perfection. Bud liked this one.
George: By the way, you owe me seven fifty.
Elaine: Oh, all right. Can you break a twenty?
George: No, I don’t have any change.
Elaine: Oh, well, then I’ll pay you later.
George: Or, I could take the twenty, then I could pay *you* later.
Elaine: Yeah, you *could*…
George: Might be easier.
Elaine: I mean, how is that easier? I mean, then you would owe me twelve
fifty instead of me owing you seven fifty.
George: [trying to act as if he doesn’t care one way or the other, but we
know better] Either way.
Elaine: Yeah.
George: So… Can I have it?
It’s not a perfect show by any means and I’m sure I’ll have more critique as the seasons progress. One aspect I find odd from time to time is the forced story lines like the O’Brien & the Limo ride, the puffy shirt, or pig man. I was browsing the earlier episodes and hardly found any instances but could have picked a bunch from season 4. What I enjoy most about Seinfeld is the realism of the show (the examples are nit picking). Aside from their perfect timing meeting points in Jerry’s apartment, the show feels like it could take place exactly as it does. Whereas Michael Scott’s outrageous behavior only occurs in Dundler Mifflin, Jerry’s events happen to people every day as he portrays them. They don’t feel too fabricated.
Plus the show watched at 1.25x takes about 19 minutes. It’s quick and you can squeeze them in any time. It moves fast, is good for a laugh, and is wholesome comedy. There’s a reason Jerry is worth a billion dollars. He’s that good! A final blurb is dedicated to Frank who I’ve only just started running into. I’m not sure if he realizes how funny he is but even the way they describe him is a riot. My father wears sneakers in the pool. His outbursts get me every time.
“…I got you an interview next Friday with his boss.” “Next Friday, what time? “2 O’Clock” “That’s my whole afternoon, I was going look for sneakers.” “YOU CAN LOOK FOR SNEAKERS THE NEXT DAY!“
“Why’d you put the bananas in there?” George likes the bananas. “SO LET HIM HAVE BANANAS ON THE SIDE!“
How many times have you said (well, maybe not you until recently) “that’s a Seinfeld thing”? Happens with me all the time. Best comedy ever.
I can’t read Frank’s lines there in my head without laughing.