With Christmas right around the corner, I thought it’d be helpful to make a guide of things you should / shouldn’t get me for Christmas since I doubt many of you have bought me a gift yet. 


Real Estate on the Moon – This will be valuable very soon.

More Bitcoin – Buy low sell high! Or in my case invest at the highest it’s ever been then lose 75% in a calendar year!

A Blind Date – I trust my family / friends to set me up with someone. 

A lot of Pot – I don’t really smoke but this could open a door to a whole new lifestyle for me.

A Trampoline – I don’t know where I’d put this but it’s been on every Christmas list I’ve ever made since I was five.

A Gaming Console – I’m probably never going to make a decision on this so someone just get one for me.

A Covington Sixers Jersey RIP– I’ve never owned a Sixers Jersey and this would be fitting.


Real Estate on Mars – This is where the fools will invest. Moon > Mars.

Less Bitcoin – I definitely don’t want less Bitcoin, only more Bitcoin.

Another Cat – I already don’t want the two I have. A third one might kill me.

23 and Me – I honestly do not care if my great great great aunt got syphilis when she was 14 or if I’m allergic to dog poop because of my genetics.

New Furniture – These cats fuck everything up as is, don’t waste your money.

Any Candles or Bed Sheets – I only write this because I assume my mom will get me these based on her giving history. 

Hope that helps! Happy Holidays!