Things I Think About – Religion…

Things I Think About – Religion…

This is a long post on religion. I’ve written about this before, but not as in depth. In one sense I didn’t think I should write this at all, but religion is surprisingly high on the list of things I think about. Why didn’t I want to write this?...
289 Visitors!

289 Visitors!

I tweeted the ITYSL post to a popular Twitter account and it brought 289 visitors to the site. I’m not sure how the server was able to handle a 289x traffic increase, but it held. Our Jetpack plugin stopped automatically posting to the SplittingTens Twitter...
Top 10 ITYSL Lines

Top 10 ITYSL Lines

These Should Make You Laugh 1 . Fuck. He’s trying to steal my decals. – Hits on so many levels. The fact that the guy is in no way trying to steal his decals. That he’s that protective of said decals. The way he repeats he thought the guy was trying...


Youtube removed the dislike button because they were losing control of the narrative. It's really that simple. — illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) June 11, 2023 It Slowly Creeps I wrote a post back in November of 2021 blasting YouTube for removing the dislike...
Spotify’s DJ

Spotify’s DJ

Spotify added an AI DJ back in February and this is the first time I’ve started using it. It speaks every couple songs with comments like “you you used to listen to this artist years ago, but they’ve fallen out of your playlists, here’s Capital...