by Tom Stortz | Jun 28, 2023 | General |
When I’m bored I’ll install Tik Tok. This is a guilty pleasure / crippling addiction. Clips kill time and a minute turns into an hour. Once I get my fill, I delete it. During those few days of addiction, I’ve develop a few choice videos that the...
by Sam Stortz | Jun 28, 2023 | General |
This one is a doozy. I don’t know how I keep getting involved in these situations, between the multiple cone disputes and now a full-on litterer, but maybe I need to take a step back. Anyway. Yesterday, a car was parked illegally in front of our shop. She was...
by Tom Stortz | Jun 26, 2023 | General |
Re-watching I Think You Should Leave is essential for proper rankings. First watch throughs miss what eventually become the funniest moments. Tim’s faces seen for the first time don’t do justice until you fully understand the sketch. The original music...
by Sam Stortz | Jun 20, 2023 | General |
This is a long post on religion. I’ve written about this before, but not as in depth. In one sense I didn’t think I should write this at all, but religion is surprisingly high on the list of things I think about. Why didn’t I want to write this?...
by Tom Stortz | Jun 17, 2023 | General |
I tweeted the ITYSL post to a popular Twitter account and it brought 289 visitors to the site. I’m not sure how the server was able to handle a 289x traffic increase, but it held. Our Jetpack plugin stopped automatically posting to the SplittingTens Twitter...
by Tom Stortz | Jun 15, 2023 | General |
These Should Make You Laugh 1 . Fuck. He’s trying to steal my decals. – Hits on so many levels. The fact that the guy is in no way trying to steal his decals. That he’s that protective of said decals. The way he repeats he thought the guy was trying...
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