Euro Hotel Review

Euro Hotel Review

I have strong opinions on travel accommodations where skimping on comfort and location is a bad idea. I had one experience in Columbus, OH that was an $89 dollar a night hotel and I vowed to never make that mistake again in my life. An entire trip is predicated on...
100 Days in a Row – Pre Broad Street 2023

100 Days in a Row – Pre Broad Street 2023

The Streak After my run today, I have run exactly 100 days in a row. My last day off was January 17th. I wrote this post back on February 2nd saying I was getting a coach! I did, and I followed his plan nearly 100%. Coincidentally he’s telling me to take off...
What I Missed

What I Missed

I see Sam was posting up a storm keeping the readers engaged in my absence, fortunately, I’m back with fascinating content from around the world. Well Europe at least. I have returned from 10 days abroad which was the longest solo stint I’ve personally...
Kindle – Book Suggestions & Review

Kindle – Book Suggestions & Review

For Christmas 2022, Meghan’s parents very generously gifted me a Kindle. At the same time, I’d just purchased a 150 page book. I didn’t want to crack open the Kindle until I finished the book. It took me nearly four months, but I am now finished the...
Social Commentary

Social Commentary

Bud Light “Low Level” Staffers Mastermind Campaign Not sure I’m buying this one, but they are back tracking on their political stance, and thinking it may have not been wise to feature a boy turned girl to market to red necks and frat boys. Smart for...
JC’s Jeans

JC’s Jeans

Within minutes of coming into the office today, JC was lying on the ground with his head behind the toilet trying to fix the toilet seat. Granted, I told him yesterday that the seat was broken, but it was a startling image when I saw him. No gloves, just on the dirty...