Hit Them Where it Hurts

Hit Them Where it Hurts

I’ve unplugged from social media apps except for Twitter, which still provides insights from Elon Musk, Mama Cathie and Dr. Parik Patel, BA, CFA, AACA ESQ (“now that the stock market is closed for the weekend, I can lose money in crypto instead”)....
Cashew Crises

Cashew Crises

I had a nice start to my Saturday. I woke up at 6:30 feeling good from not drinking the night before. I checked DraftKings and saw I lost $15 dollars on an NBA lineup and saw my account had $143. I knew that wasn’t enough action to get me through the weekend so...
The Sub-5 Mile Streak

The Sub-5 Mile Streak

Every year since 2007, I’ve broken 5:00 in the mile. This streak is not something I ever consciously kept alive or acknowledged until this week when I realized that I haven’t broken 5:00 in 2021. Vince texted saying he wants to break 5:00 before the end of...
The Seinfeld Binge

The Seinfeld Binge

You flinched! I started re-watching Seinfeld a few weeks ago. This was the first time I’ve paid attention to the show as an adult. It’s funny the reaction I have to it now compared to when I was a kid. I doubt I got any of the jokes as a kid. Dolores!...
Tiny Desk Concert – Olivia Rodrigo

Tiny Desk Concert – Olivia Rodrigo

This slaps. Simple as that. If you’re not familiar with Olivia Rodrigo (how would that be possible), these are probably her four best songs performed really well. As an Olivia-stan, her vocals are really impressive. I was initially hesitant to post this. Is it...
Politicians Played! *Gasp*

Politicians Played! *Gasp*

The verdict of the Juicy Smooyay case came back with him being a liar. He staged the “hate crime” against him. JUST IN – Jury finds Jussie Smollett guilty on 5 of 6 counts: He lied, staged race-baiting attack in Chicago. — Disclose.tv...