My Split Table

My Split Table

I’m already looking forward to Bill’s response to this post. I bought a new table from Amazon two weeks ago for $200. After 75 minutes it was fully assembled. Then, two days ago, I noticed this crack. It looks worse in person. Is this bad enough to make a...
Those Conversations

Those Conversations

I was not on edibles when I wrote this post just now. I just had this conversation with a 60 year old guy who lives in my building while we got into the elevator. Me: “Hey how’s it going?” Him: “Good, good. Getting ready for some snow!”...
Ground Floor 4 – Best Albums of 1994

Ground Floor 4 – Best Albums of 1994

I was 11 in 1994. The move from tapes to CD’s was beginning to boom. I know I listened to Counting Crows August and Everything After on tape and then owned all of the CD’s that you’ll read about. This time period was an explosion of incredible music....
GameSTOP! Hammertime

GameSTOP! Hammertime

This is an obligatory post to shout out the guest poster who rallied behind GME on January 8th when the stock was around $20. It’s been the talk of the town the last few days as it jumped from $20 to $340. That’s 17x in a short time. Christ, that’s...


I peer around the corner to see if my neighbor is smoking cigarettes’ outside. The suspense is nonsense because it doesn’t stop me one way or another from going home. If he, sometimes them, are out there, I know the small talk is coming. What’s your...
An Eagle Landed

An Eagle Landed

The toes on my right foot are throbbing. Prior frostbite and 29° temperature are a chilling combination. The 16th hole at Makefield Highlands is an uphill 450 yard par 5. After 2 shots, my ball is 100 yards out and 5 yards in front of Evan’s. Evan says,...