by Tom Stortz | Oct 24, 2023 | General |
This will be a golf related post. I golfed Saturday with Evan at Scotland Run in Jersey. Cost was $115 at 1:30pm which is a bit pricey, but the course is nice. Good luck getting Bill there. We selected the blue tees and started the round each parring the first two...
by Tom Stortz | Oct 18, 2023 | General |
I’ve been ringing the bell for a long time about demented far-left colleges, and it took the lives of Israeli citizens, with no sympathy, for the far left hate to finally start rearing its ugly, duplicitous head. Now they are getting hit where it hurts, their...
by Sam Stortz | Oct 16, 2023 | General |
Yesterday, after over a decade of bad-to-average 8ks / 5 milers, I BEAT my college PR of 26:40 from 2010. The past ~7 weeks of training have been great so I thought I had a chance. Here’s what happened! The race was the Run for Blue. I was alone from the gun and...
by Sam Stortz | Oct 14, 2023 | General |
I hate clickbait. It’s misleading, breaches trust, and I think makes our society worse. If I see an article or Youtube video that uses clickbaity tactics I don’t click it because I don’t want to reward the tactic. In my head, it’s some media...
by Tom Stortz | Oct 13, 2023 | General |
I went to my bathroom, looked out the window, and saw an open room with no blinds in a new building that was recently built. My first thought was if I can see through this blind slot, I should probably put on some clothes. Then I start thinking what Playboy model is...
by Tom Stortz | Oct 12, 2023 | General |
Tomorrow will be a closely watched day. Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has called for a “day of jihad” on Friday the 13th. Watch the video below of Hamas supporters in Philadelphia. College campus leaders are being exposed for supporting terrorist...
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