John Mulaney… Isn’t That Funny?

John Mulaney… Isn’t That Funny?

On the five hour drive home from Pittsburgh, Meghan and I listened to three straight stand up sets by John Mulaney. Then, on Monday we watched his most recent Netflix Special. My exposure to Mulaney has been limited. I know who he is, I know he had some drug issues a...
American vs German

American vs German

I spent 2 days in Munich, 4 cities in Austria, and 2 days in Riga in Latvia. These observations are only from my experience and not blanket statements. I’m also bunching together Germans and Austrians which undoubtedly Austrians would take offense to. No...
Post Broad Street 2023 – Smashed It

Post Broad Street 2023 – Smashed It

Dave, if you thought my pre Broad Street post was “Self fellatio”, just wait until you read this. Pre Race The week leading up to the race was bad. I slept a lot, hydrated like hell, and ate healthy(ish), but my legs felt horrible. Every run felt like...
Euro Hotel Review

Euro Hotel Review

I have strong opinions on travel accommodations where skimping on comfort and location is a bad idea. I had one experience in Columbus, OH that was an $89 dollar a night hotel and I vowed to never make that mistake again in my life. An entire trip is predicated on...
100 Days in a Row – Pre Broad Street 2023

100 Days in a Row – Pre Broad Street 2023

The Streak After my run today, I have run exactly 100 days in a row. My last day off was January 17th. I wrote this post back on February 2nd saying I was getting a coach! I did, and I followed his plan nearly 100%. Coincidentally he’s telling me to take off...