Pedicure – Before & After

Pedicure – Before & After

BEFORE In one hour, Meghan and I are getting pedicures. I’m excited. I’ve had one before like 8 years ago with Laura and only remember thinking it was too intense. I am of the opinion that some men don’t enjoy delicacies like this due to social...
UK Trip Report

UK Trip Report

I’ll touch on culture subtleties and traveling stories instead of what I did because I know you don’t care about slate quarries. Temple Bar Pricing – In Dublin, I stayed at the Morgan which was near the Temple Bar area which has all the bars. This...
Same As It Ever Was

Same As It Ever Was

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shackAnd you may find yourself in another part of the worldAnd you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobileAnd you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wifeAnd you may ask yourself,...
THE Stortz Tools Parking Battle

THE Stortz Tools Parking Battle

Construction workers do not give a fuck about “NO PARKING” signs. This is evident by the 100 rotating construction workers who park right beneath the “NO PARKING” sign at Stortz Tools every single day. The reason it’s no parking there is...
John Mulaney… Isn’t That Funny?

John Mulaney… Isn’t That Funny?

On the five hour drive home from Pittsburgh, Meghan and I listened to three straight stand up sets by John Mulaney. Then, on Monday we watched his most recent Netflix Special. My exposure to Mulaney has been limited. I know who he is, I know he had some drug issues a...