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4 Golf Blow Ups

4 Golf Blow Ups

I saw the tee sheet was open at my club yesterday so I was hopeful I could fit in 18. I started off with a double, par, bogey, double and then had to pass the group I caught up with and I moved to 8. The rest was smooth sailing and I was able to complete the round...

If You Can’t See it Now

If You Can’t See it Now

You never will. I'm going to run through a number of current events that are extremely complicated, have millions of variables, and drawing conclusions is challenging. The main idea is to expose double standards and to present what is important to me. I understand...

Portnoy vs Alex Stein

Portnoy vs Alex Stein

This fabricated drama between Pres and Alex Stein, with Jason Whitlock intervening, is comical for page views, but both sides are fighting the wrong war. Too much division and not enough unification. Rule #1 - Don't take on Pres - It's not worth it. Alex Stein is...

The View from Halfway Down – A Bojack Horseman Confession

The View from Halfway Down – A Bojack Horseman Confession

I re-watched BoJack for the first time since season 6 ended in January 2020 and it was more entertaining the 3rd time through. The people who don't like BoJack don't understand life. They're either not smart enough to see it through a wider lens or too sheltered to...



After two and a half years of avoiding it, your boy finally got Covid. How do I feel? After testing positive this morning I was pretty sure I was going to crush Covid. I'm in great shape and aside from a little sore throat, I felt great. But then I slept for about...

My Cheesesteak Takes

My Cheesesteak Takes

No one likes the guy who says "Oh your favorite cheesesteak is X? Hahahhaha that place fucking sucks you idiot. Y is the best cheesesteak in the city and it's not even close, you've probably never had it, or if you did not the right way." That being said, I'm going to...

Review – 10 Things I Hate About You

Review – 10 Things I Hate About You

We just watched 10 Things I Hate About You which I have never seen before. Here's a stream-of-conscious list of observations Had no clue JGL was in this! Immediately don't like his character and would've bet his career would never take off based on this performance....

The Injured Psyche

The Injured Psyche

What has kept me sidelined during my mid to late 30's has been my achilles and knees. It's difficult to know when the injuries will show themselves, but they have been nagging throughout. Heavy mileage (for me) is one potential factor and running while dehydrated...

I Am LIVid at the PGA!

I Am LIVid at the PGA!

After writing that post at 9am yesterday, Cam Smith was assessed a 2-stroke penalty at 11am for having his ball drop on a red line in round 3, hole 4. The penalty was enforced almost 18 hours after it happened and 2 hours before he was to tee off. Starting a...
