Gamblers split tens
Go Home If You Don’t
Lawlessness If you are from Philly or the surrounding area, you should have read that 3 people were killed and 11 were injured from the fight above on South...
I’m Talking Bout Chi Town
This internet is spotty so I'm limited with my pictures. I'd pay the $9.99 for the premium internet but I can't get that screen to come back up. I awoke at 3:15am this morning to catch a 6:26 flight out of Philadelphia to Chicago. My alarm was set for 3:45, but my...
He Can Hit!
I played golf with the Schmidt's yesterday at Turtle Creek. Bud and Bill are currently 11's and I'm 12 so it's all fairly even. We play for big money so I'm not going to disclose the winnings and loses as it may make people uncomfortable. I'll get my weak play out of...
My Red Light Ticket
On April 15th I was driving home from a horrible round of golf with Gourlay at JC Melrose when apparently I ran a red light. You judge for yourself (I'm the white Mazda). They're saying I owe ONE HUNDRED dollars. I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, I...
When Humans Attack
As you age, your memory fabricates your past as it pleases. I'll admit to having Tik Tok, and there was one channel that showed video games from the 90's. A few examples I saw were Beavis and Butthead, Arch Rivals, and NHL '93. My childhood memory has me thinking...
Tips for Living with a Girl
I have not posted in almost three weeks. A big reason for that is that I've been moving all my shit into an apartment with my GIRLFRIEND. In fact, I'm writing this post from our new apartment. I've never lived with a girl. That's not true. I lived with my mom and...
Twitter Centralizing
"The left will be like, "no, I'm not gonna tolerate it. I need it censored or else I'm not gonna be on the platform." The best part about this journalism below is that the "reporter" is, most likely, smoking hot and this guy thought he was building his points up on a...
More Resources!
Should the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to remove all gender-based reference? Fix the City! This is a perfect example of how to waste time accomplishing nothing. How many hours were spent arguing over the proposed change to the Home Rule Charter? I bet it...
Political Nonsense
I go through political phases, I try not to clutter the blog with useless observations. Only my golf handicap is important. To follow up on my last post, here is a clip of a dude making what appears to be a valid point of rushing $40 Billion dollars through our...