Gamblers split tens

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StortzFest 2021 Recap

StortzFest 2021 Recap

I'll do my best to mention as many people who attended our party this past Saturday, and also read the blog, as I can remember. I'll start by thanking my mom who did a lot of heavy lifting by getting the tent and primary set up, Julia and Laura for decorating, Jeff...

Stortz Fest 2021

Stortz Fest 2021

This Saturday, August 28th, Stortz Fest 2021 is going down. What is Stortz Fest? Good question! It's a party at my parents house in the suburbs starting around 4pm. There will be a lot of Stortz relatives and friends. What will happen there? Good question! We're...

Does Anyone Need a TV Stand

Does Anyone Need a TV Stand

Order from Target: 1 x Max Douglas TV Stand. Fedex: Sorry sir, we cannot deliver your Max Douglas TV Stand to your address because no one is there to receive it. Me: Okay, you can send it to Stortz Tools, someone will be there to receive it. Target: Okay, instead of...

Golfing With Gourlay

Golfing With Gourlay

I was putting together a group for golf today and we were short one. I had seen Gourlay the night before at the Union game and he said he was having fun playing the game. I invited him as our 4th two hours before tee time and he said he would play which was a bit of a...

The White Lotus – Character POWER Rankings

The White Lotus – Character POWER Rankings

I finished The White Lotus last night. I'm not a TV expert, but it's the best show I've seen in a long time. I've read a lot about the themes and examples throughout about class, the served vs. the serving, tribalism, etc. and the show did an extremely good job with...

Biden’s Leadership

Biden’s Leadership

Biden's Misdirection How about addressing the Afghani elephant in the room? I was peacefully watching Judge Judy to be interrupted by a geriatric reading off a teleprompter telling me I need a 3rd booster shot and how everyone needs to get the vaccine. How about a...

Sam vs. Gourlay GOLF RESULTS

Sam vs. Gourlay GOLF RESULTS

What. A. Match. The final result. A TIE. 109 to 109. I got off to a hot start shooting a quality 48 on the front 9. Gourlay though was keeping pace with an impressive 52. I faltered on the back 9. It came down to the final hole. I was up 2 strokes and Gourlay hit an...

Las Vegas- Land of the Hopeless and Shattered Dreams

Las Vegas- Land of the Hopeless and Shattered Dreams

When I don't blog for a week it's usually because I'm traveling. Last week I was in Vegas and came back with a few observations as well as a story or two. Traveling in Covid world is not ideal, and it even though it dilutes the experience, I'm still managing to make...

Sam vs. Gourlay in Golf

Sam vs. Gourlay in Golf

I suck at golf. I've always sucked at golf. Gourlay also sucks at golf. You might even say he sucks harder than I do. But I've been playing since 2014 and he's only been 'really' playing for like four months. We've played a few rounds at Walnut Lane together and I've...
