Gamblers split tens
Go Home If You Don’t
Pick My Apartment
I'm moving in August. Here's my list of priorities when finding a new place: Covy & Melon This sounds stupid, but I feel bad for Covy and Melon currently. This place is a little smaller than I want for them (like ~800sqft). Will they survive? Of course. But Covy...
Sage 100 – Day 4
Stortz Tools installed a new accounting software on Monday. We hired a company to assist in teaching us how to use the software. I was out gambling with the Weens until midnight on Saturday night, so due to my old age, I wasn't feeling 100% when our training began...
Voting Ideas Instead of Outcomes
Rachel Levine Makes History As 1st Openly Trans Federal Official Confirmed By Senate Let's remember the Rachel Levine story of her pulling her mom from a nursing facility during Covid while at the same time...
A Look on Life
Do people die by accident? If you get drugged vs take drugs, and then are taking back to a hotel room, raped, and murdered, is it an accident if you are forced drugs and your fault if you took the drugs? This happened to this Christine Englehardt, a local Philly girl...
COD Keeps Us Together
COD (Call of Duty for the cucks out there) gets a bad wrap from those who don't play. When you say "I played three hours of COD last night", it raises eyebrows. A former lover of mine once said video games were "the biggest waste of time I could think of". How do you...
Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop. GameStop. So, What’s Next?
First things first, this post is for entertainment purposes only. The writer’s tone, expression, language used, references, humor is way over the top Wall Street bro-ish, and yes, extremely cringe. But this is satire (can’t believe I have to explicitly state the...
Tucker Carlson vs John Oliver
John Oliver released 24 minutes dedicated to pointing out that Tucker Carlson is a dangerous white supremacist yesterday. I like the stories Oliver puts out and find Tucker wildly entertaining so I gave a listen. This will...
Story: Tom & Jeff Ruined My Music Career
I'm great at guitar. Everyone knows I'm great at guitar. Someone recently asked me if I've ever written any of my own music. I said no. Then I wondered to myself - why haven't I written any of my own music? When I was about 8 years old I wrote my first song. It was...
How a Long Shot Wins – Jordan Spieth
It's 8:20am on a Saturday morning which is an unusual time for me to blog. I deferred to writing instead of watching episode 3 of the first season of True Detective. I'm re-watching TD as research for a future blog post about best TV seasons ever. This post, however,...