by Tom Stortz | Mar 10, 2021 | General |
I’m going to start bringing back some 90’s wrestling gifs. Such a good age of wrestling. I’ve made 5 figures from trading GME since this blog revealed it as a long term play back on January 8th. Sam and I were in the office today and both sold our...
by Sam Stortz | Mar 8, 2021 | General |
I’ve undergone one dental revolution already. To go from a 60lb kid with no front teeth plus 15 extra teeth hidden away to what I look like today is a medical miracle. But I’m about to undergo an unprecedented SECOND dental revolution. It started when I...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 6, 2021 | General |
Jeff sent Sam and I link on Thursday towards registering for a Covid vaccine appointment. Sam was saying how the spots were filling instantly and I decided to see if I could get it. It reminded me of when you’re trying to get the Radio 104.5 Block Tickets and...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 5, 2021 | General |
I tried to enter the PHIL Conference call at 4:25pm through Zoom to learn that I was blocked from the call because there was a max of 100 people. Great. Here was the back and forth Gourlay and I had pre meeting and trying to get into the call. About 15 minutes late, a...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 4, 2021 | General |
I quick update that I will not be doing a Ground Floor 4 today. Next week will be the ultimate ranking of John Hughes movies which I particularly like (I’m a sucker for the Breakfast Club). I needed a new washer and dryer this week which took up some of my time...
by Tom Stortz | Mar 3, 2021 | General |
Being wrong in Among Us is the equivalent of being on a torture rack and hearing “one more turn”. It’s not the death turn that’s going to tear you in half, but you feel pain in every inch of your body. Not only are you upset at yourself, but...
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