Within a day or two of telling me she’d pay me back, my neighbor left me a nice note the day before Thanksgiving containing not only my $40, but treats and toys for the cats. So I was right in that she wasn’t trying to rob me and that she’s a well intentioned person.

But there’s one final twist.

She sent me a Facebook friend request. I’m not sure how she found my last name, but if she was able to find me on Facebook, there’s a very real chance that she found this blog, and thus read the posts I wrote, about her.

So, neighbor (I’m keeping your real name hidden for your privacy), if you’re reading this:

I never thought you were robbing me, it just made for good blog material.

I’m sorry for not responding to your note and also for assuming you lived with your dad instead your boyfriend (you confirmed it was your boyfriend).

I’m also sorry for saying that you called Melon a cuck. I know you would never do that.

Remember when I locked myself out? That was funny in hindsight, haha. Thanks for the help.

Thank you,

-Your neighbor, Sam.