Gamblers split tens
Go Home If You Don’t
After my first CHARACTER POWER RANKING was such a hit I had to do season 2. Similar to round 1, I'm not going to delve into the heart of the show. All I'll say is I still think it's the best show I've seen; the music, the imagery, the themes, the must-watch...
“This is just taking money from customers and using it for your own purpose, not sophisticated at all.” - John Ray caretaker CEO of FTX I'm going to explain why people should be MORE outraged at SBF losing $8 billion dollars of individuals money as I am. Here is my...
We Don’t Elect Cis White Males
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Upper Moreland Golden Bigots...
Should We Have a Stortz Tools Holiday Party
It's that time of year again. Boy is it time. Yep, it's time to discuss with Tom and Jeff the idea of throwing a Stortz Tools Holiday Party only to end up not doing it. It's a tradition at this point. Yep. It's time. Let's break this down elementary school style: Who...
Adam’s Post on the Strike Jackpot
I'm posting this as is without editing or pictures. It'll be funny how the two takes differ as I'm still not reading his until this is posted. Shee’s take: Sometimes you just know something is going to happen. A premonition, it happens to me all of the time. It is...
What Does Adam Get?
You're in for a lucky treat. Last night, content for a dramatic blog post was created at South Bowl. This post will go over my viewpoint and you'll also get to read a completely separate viewpoint from Mr. 183. I didn't read Adam's post before I'm writing mine. The...
The Henry Ruggs Argument
Ruggs, 22, is accused of causing the predawn crash by driving drunk at speeds up to 156 mph with his girlfriend in his Corvette sports car before it slammed into the rear of Tintor's Toyota RAV4 on a residential street where the speed limit is 45 mph. November 3rd,...
One For the GPP Bro’s
Yesterday was a nice cash for me in the $27 Blind Side. There were 4,319 entries and I got 3rd. This was good for $2,500. This is a single entry tournament which I prefer more than the ones where people put 150 lineups in. Here was the team: Josh Jacobs Wins the Cash!...
Things I Think About – Psychedelics
I've always had an interest in psychedelics. Specifically the sort of life altering experiences that many have while on them. There are a million descriptions, but here's one per Wikipedia: A state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the...