Credit John Popper for that title. Bonus points if you know the song.

I haven’t posted in a while and it’s because i’m not trying to spread a bad attitude. There’s nothing physically wrong with me. I’m not depressed. I have plenty of friends and no money problems. There is no reason I should be critical of life. Yet I am.

People annoy me. Not people close to me, but society as a whole. Drivers. People waiting in line. People selling products. Beauty standards. How our entire capitalistic system is devised. All aspects of life are a bother to me and there’s no hope in sight.

For instance, a line about the synagogue shooting that happened today:

When asked about gun laws, President Trump says that if there had been protection inside the synagogue the gunman might not have been as successful in his attack, suggesting the temple should have had an armed guard. 

What?! I lean more to the right than the left, but this is absurd. Here’s where it gets hairy. My favorite retort to people who look at this and say “impeach the President” is…then leave. Most of the time they haven’t even thought about this scenario, but 99% of the time they aren’t leaving.

Do I agree with the President’s notion of having armed gunmen all over our country. No. It seems like a good strategy for having people get accidentally shot. Adding gunmen is not a solution that addresses the root. That root is parents having children and are not prepared to provide proper parenting. Case in point:

That video is horrifying. Is this a fault of the parents? Probably. Is it a byproduct of the environment they live in? More than likely. How do we stop this? People need to come together somehow, someway, by finding a solution bigger than themselves.

When I relate this to my own personal journey. I feel like I have this dark storm cloud hovering over me. I start to think that I’ll travel to some far away land and it will all get better except it feels exactly like the Bojack episode where Diane travels to Vietnam and it all stays the same.

It’s not that there is anything wrong. People go on “medication” to exist happily and that seems like a horrible idea. So that’s why I haven’t been blogging much. All is fine though. Just plowing forward.