Joining Strava

Joining Strava

I’m back bitches! After sulking for the last six months saying “I’m not going to log my runs because my Achilles hurts”, I’ve finally caved and made a Strava. Follow me for great content (I’ll follow you back!)! I tried to embed...
What Investing Isn’t

What Investing Isn’t

We are in uncharted TOP territory. RECESSION IMMINENT — litquidity (@litcapital) February 13, 2021 The Bubble Let’s start by agreeing that this video is scary. Do I believe its veracity? Not exactly, but it’s glamorizing...
Who Likes AOC?

Who Likes AOC?

Here is @AOC explaining why left-wing unrest will continue until all demands are met — Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) February 12, 2021 Unrest AOC says, “If you’re out here calling for the end of unrest. You better be...
Ground Floor 4 – ? Secondary Scene

Ground Floor 4 – ? Secondary Scene

We revisit that teenage awkwardness when women and boobs in a movie was top priority. I don’t believe this post would be written after the internet desensitized America. A main characteristic of whether a movie was good in those days was did it have boobs or...